MD’s Messages

Hello and welcome to Fujairah Oil Terminal FZC (FOT), a world class 1.177 million cubic meters onshore oil storage facility based in the rapidly developing port of Fujairah.
This storage facility is built up to the best industry specification and meets the latest international standards, complying with the latest QHSSE standards with ISO 45001:2018, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. FOT can handle the full spectrum of petroleum products and is the first to handle Crude oil as an independent terminal in the region. Products stored include Crude oil, Fuel oil, Gasoil, Gasoline and Gasoline blending components. FOT provides all customer’s required services, as receipt from and delivery to ships, blending & circulation, additivation, heating, mixing, inter-tank transfers, pipeline transfers to neighbouring terminals and ship to ship transfers.
FOT’s strategy is to be a leading example to the storage industry in Safety, Service and Sustainability. The terminal’s vision is to lead in those areas and to set the benchmark in the region.
Our employees are handpicked industry specialists with high integrity and strong commitment to serving our customers by offering the best of their knowledge and skills gained over many years of terminaling experience. We appreciate you taking the time to explore our website and please do get in touch if more information is required.
Yours truly,
Zhigang Feng
Managing Director